Century change, and the faith of the man in this, that there are forces that are able to help, remains constant. Of the force, is not subordinate to man, has an impact on its fate, and rare are those who do not believe. Someone who strives to protect your home and children to someone. Help the knowledge on how to make amulets in his hands.
Self-training of the amulet, is an essential condition. The respect of its will ensure that the effectiveness of the protection of a talisman. The mascots absorb the energy of the hands and thoughts. The simple things will be given a magical power.
Materials for juju

As a material, you can use a variety of substances and objects:
- clay;
- the shaft;
- the fabric;
- metal;
- of the stone;
- of the skin;
- beads;
- the thread.
The best option is to get a passion for the person. A special force will be of the talismans, if the material is a passion and a creative activity. These objects retain spiritual experiences, the care and the aspirations facit of his person. The communication of these things with a master that is very strong.
Another rule is the mascot must be hidden from the eyes of strangers. Better, if it is not going to know, nobody, except the owner. If the mascots are made as a gift, then you need to inform, to give in an intimate, one-to-one, to explain the power of the object.Before working, it is important to think about where will be stored the amulet, its size and appearance. If it is for a constant protection, then it is better that he was still there. If it is the protection of the family and the home, so you can store it in the nooks and crannies of the apartment.
The mascots of the stone
The stones are children of the Earth. They keep inside of himself of his strength and power. There is a table of communication from the stone with a sign of the zodiac.
If you have the opportunity, you can buy it. Sometimes, they take stones, which are simply at a certain time of life have attracted the attention and loved. It is, most often, of pebbles, without the jewelry and the value. The strength of these pebbles with rursumque ZH, so the approach to building and know how to make the amulet.
The stone is free of all impurities. Ideal sallietur water-boiling water. Then, dry-stone and verification of the absence of the plate. On the surface, you can apply a coat of protection, for example, lacquer.
On the stone, you can apply burning and from sticking to other beautiful objects. Prepares packaging: bag of rope. Also sewing or weaving yourself. In the bag ligaturam cucurreris add a prayer written in the hand of the beautiful writing readable.
The mascots of the herbs
After you have studied the medicinal properties of plants, are elected those who are in need of a man to protect her. They are collected in a single bouquet. In addition, the size of the herbs must be the same, it is important to know the compatibility of the plants, as well as the herbs may cause allergies.
The grass will bind together, adapted to a lace or ribbon. For the amulet prepares a bag or a box. Sometimes, this bouquet, put it in the bedroom in the head. Then it will clean up the head, to drive away the bad thoughts, cleanse the fears, and to protect sleep.
In the old days, these mascots — bundles of herbs, have weighed on the doors, in the entrance in the housing. Now, a lot of are also. The little bags with all of the herbs do not give harm to people entering the house. If they do, they will not be able to harm the person. In this case, the location of protection of the ligament herbs you need to think about how to close it from curious eyes and thoughts.
Things decorated with embroidery, are considered to be amulets with ancient times. Tunics, towels, tablecloths were used for specific goals:
- shirt protects from the evil eye;
- embroidered brought the wealth;
- the water of the keeper of the peace and order in the house.
The embroidery has great strength, therefore, you need to select the image, and then repeat. A cross embroidered on the side, will change the whole meaning of the embroidery. You even start to embroider, you need a certain day: 14 lunar.
Sparkling defenders
Charms-talismans-of-pearl is not only a strong protection, they are beautiful. These things can not hide from the other. Them, on the contrary, put or take to an important appointment.
Here, it is the value of the color of the pearls and their image. Properly done, the tutor adds the energy of life, of optimism and confidence. The strength of beads disposed in the main colors of the rainbow.
Kinds of talismans of beads:
- the collar;
- bracelet;
- door-key;
- decoration for handbag.
More complex amulets are considered to gaitana. It is a mixer tape, forked with one hand. The form of gaitan and the color are recognized for excellent advocates of the influence on the psyche of the man. Their advice to mothers whose children are amenable to the influence of others, especially in the period of adolescence.
The product of the beads must be capable of storing. If these will be scheduled for a magical power, any damage gaitan should quickly correct or better to redo, using the same hardware.
The strength of this gaitan will not be lost, it will be even more powerful and effective. You can't be afraid of the repair of the bead amulets.
Using filaments common
filo subtegminis charms – the most simple of the technology and manufacturing. You can simply take a red wire, attach it to his wrist, to pronounce the prayer and the charm of a loan. The filament addition of pendants with symbols of different protection, pendants with names and zodiacal precious.
You can wear them without removing. Son become lasting protection or for a certain period of time. These amulets are, when it is examination time, or a first love. On the thread make knots and strung beads. The node is also important, that is why it is necessary to examine carefully in order not to change the action of the amulet.
Bracelet nodules came from Tibet, called shamballa. For him, the need of a waxed cord of two colors and beads. A cord should be mounted around the other, with the gradual tying knots and threading beads at the end of five nodes. Shambhala will help you survive strong shocks of life, to keep the wisdom and health, gives the patience and help keep the faith.
As aktirovat made their own hands the mascot
Help to activate the action of the amulet of the church of the spark plug. The 7 candles or as much as the colors of the amulet. The guardian moves from one candle to another. During the prayer. The candles leave of uri, and the mascot is near or in the centre of fire. Then he shall hand over to the cooks for him and the rim, in an isolated place.